Jenny Faye took us through painting portraits using a limited colour palette of paints. She focused on using 5 colours of water based oils and doing this helps to create the same colour in future.
- Titanium white
- Indian red
- Ivory black - Black acts as blue.
- Ochre
- Raw umber - brown
Mixing cols -
- hue - the shade (orange or purple),
- value in light or dark tone,
- chroma (saturation) of colour. Can reduce intensity by adding a touch of the opposite colour in the colour wheel.
Create portraits in 3 stages;
- Sketching in paint - Take at least 20 - 30 mins to get right as changes later are difficult in paint. Create shapes in a face to help define areas to use different colours in.
- Blocking in - adding in ranges of colour
- Refining - blending colours and adding in highlights
Jenny recommends an online tutorials by Stephen Bauman's YouTube channel
Stephen Bauman - My channel is dedicated to creating tutorial content for serious online art students. If you wanna learn to draw better go here: