Design your image on paper to suit the size of the plywood – it will need to sit within it allowing at least a couple of centimetre margin all round.
Stylise and simplify your image – when happy trace with a soft pencil onto tracing paper.
Flip the tracing paper and secure to the plywood with tape – draw backover the image or burnish to transfer the pencil marks.
Cut registration marks into the corners of the wood - alternatively you can simply cut all your printing paper to the size of the wood and hinge it with masking tape to allow it to be flipped back and forth – or use a registration device.
Paint a pale wash of colour over the wood and allow to dry – this makes it easier to see the marks as you cut them.
Cut your design using a small ‘V’ or ‘U’ gouge woodcutting tool (lino-cutting tools are not sharp enough) varying the width of line and incorporating mark-making to add interest if desired. Sharpen your tools regularly – if the wood becomes difficult to cut or the edges become ragged then your tools are becoming blunted. Use abrasive paste and an old leather belt,or a sharpening kit for this.
When all the cutting is done give the block a light sand to remove any rough or splintered wood. Lightly sponge the surface to remove sanding dust and
residue of the initial colour wash.
You can print on dry or damp paper – it will give different effects.
DAMP PAPER:- Prepare a stack ofpaper all cut to the same size. Spray orsponge each of the sheets with water and place between sheets of newspaper. Wrap the newspaper in a plastic sheet to retain the moisture. Leave to rest so the dampness permeates each sheet evenly.
DRY PAPER:- Cut to size and useas is… can either hinge it to the side of the block with masking tape (this won’t work with damp paper) or use a registration method.
Dampen the printing block by sponging with clean water, allow to soak in – the block should be damp not ringing wet.
Working a small areaat a time apply rice paste and work into the surface of the plate with a brush. Then apply your watercolour paint / gouache thinned to the consistency of single cream – don’t flood it – the rice paste will help to stop it sinking into the wood. You can use the rice paste to control the degree of ‘speckle’ or texture in your image….less paste creates more speckle, more paste creates a smoother effect.
Position your paper in your registration marks / flip your paper ontothe image if using hinges. Protect the back of the paper if damp with a sheet of greaseproof and apply even pressure with a barren / spoon in a circular motion. If using damp paper replace itbetween the sheets of newspaper if you wish to print further layers.
The prints will improve and colour intensity will build up as the plateis re-inked each time.
Intaglio Printmakers: (for all woodcut materials – the link is for the ‘small v’ cutting tool)
Hand Print - (for woodcutting materials – but not the cheap single cutters)